The Conspiracy of Cool
What is Cool

This is simply a case of knowing your strengths and staying focused on them. There are web sites that are cool, sites that are useful, and sites that generate cold hard revenue, but there aren't many sites that pull off the hat trick. This is true because most sites don't try to be all things to all people, Excite's include-the-kitchen-sink-approach being the exception.

So is my company cool? Let's just say our web site is darn useful. I know some of my coworkers ooze hipness outside of work, but like the ping pong table you don't see it put to use in the office.

Except for some of my off hand queries, my coworkers never looked into why our whiteboard excercise ended up fruitless. Consciously or subconsciously we think the company should be cool but know it's not. We're not cool simply because that was never one of our goals, and probably shouldn't be because that's not what we do well.

Knowledge is Power
Marketing Cool
Why We Are(n't) Cool
What is Cool